Интеллектуалдық меншік құқығы

Интеллектуалдық меншік құқығы. I бөлім

Authors: Lionel Bentley, Brad Sherman, Phillip Jonson
ISBN-10: 0199645558
ISBN-13: 9780199645558
Language: English
Publishing house: Oxford University Press
Year: 2014
Number of pages: 1440

“Intellectual Law” is a valuable work in which the legal field is discussed in the most complete and detailed way. The issues of copyright, patenting, trademarks, design and industrial design, unfair competition and confidential information are reflected and discussed in detail in several chapters of the book. It analyzes not only academic opinions, but also the basic principles and regulations governing intellectual property rights in Anglo-Saxon legislation and the Romano-German legal system, typical for many EU member states.
The stages of formation of intellectual property rights are closely related to technological progress and the development of international trade. For this reason, the authors have updated the book several times to cover the changes of recent years. For example, this fifth edition discusses the impact of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit), the European trademark regime, recent cases in the European Court of Justice, the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement (TPP) on the further development of intellectual property law.

The book is intended for the Kazakhstani reader, especially for lawyers.