Стандарттау және сертификаттаудағы тәуекел-бағдарланған тәсіл

Khaimuldinova A.K. Стандарттау және сертификаттаудағы тәуекел-бағдарланған тәсіл: Textbook. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019, 132 p.

The textbook presents a risk-oriented approach and areas of its application, risks in human life, a risk management plan, the introduction of a risk-oriented system for the organization of supervisory activities, “risks” and “opportunities” according to ISO 9001: 2015, a risk-oriented approach in the organization of state control, the main idea of risk management, risk-a focused approach to internal audit projects, Comparison of risk management standards (COSO ERM, FERMA and ISO 31000:2009), a risk-based approach to industrial safety, The preparation of the quality management system provides for the use of risk-based approaches, risk-based approach standards (TBT), the concept of risk-based audit, and the risk-based approach belt in the EAEU. The textbook contains laws on consumer protection, quality assurance and product safety.