Aubakirova Zh. Ya., Kudabaeva Zh. M.
Аймақтық экономика: a textbook // Zh. Ya. Aubakirova, Zh. M. Kudabaeva. – Almaty: Daryn, 2023. – 174 p.
The manual outlines the theoretical problems of regional economics and regional policy in Kazakhstan.
The patterns, principles and factors of the placement of production forces are presented, the sectoral structure of industry by regions of Kazakhstan, fuel and energy, agro-industrial complex is given, the issues of formation and development of the economic potential of the region, the development of forecasts and regional development programs are studied. The issues of developing the financial, tax, investment, and innovation policy of the region are analyzed.
The book is intended for undergraduate students, undergraduates, doctoral students, teachers, researchers studying economics, as well as specialists and employees of government agencies.