
Eszhanov B. E., Sapargalieva N. S.
Зоология. Two parts. Zoology of vertebrates. Part 2. – Almaty: Daryn, 2023. – 356 p. 2nd edition (edited, corrected)

The second part of the textbook examines in detail the latest information about the features of the structure, biology, ecology of vertebrates, their diversity and economic significance.  The textbook was developed in accordance with the requirements of modern times by research universities and all classical universities “Biology and related Sciences” (“Biology”, “Biology-Pedagogy”, “Biotechnology”, “Ecology”, “Biomedicine”, “Bioengineering”, “Genetics”, “Microbiology”, etc.) and for bachelors and undergraduates studying in the specialties “biological resources ” (“fisheries”, “Hunting and animal husbandry”, ” forestry”, etc.).