Taubayeva Sh.
Педагогикалық зерттеулердің әдіснамасы мен әдістері: textbook. 2nd edition / Sh. Taubayeva. – Almaty: “Daryn Publishing house” 2023. – 358 p.
The content of the textbook discusses methodological and theoretical problems of conducting and organizing pedagogical research as a means of improving educational practice. When considering the essence, structure, and activity of scientific research in the field of pedagogy, special attention is paid to the subjectivity of the researcher who is active in the process of scientific and pedagogical cognition.
Since the 2016-2017 academic year, the textbook has been practicing in higher educational institutions of the republic.
The textbook is addressed to undergraduates and doctoral students, as well as those who are engaged in scientific research in the education system.