Финансовый менеджмент

Mizambekova Zh.K., Sharshankulova D.
Финансовый менеджмент: An educational and methodological guide / J.K. Mizambekova, D.Sharshankulova — Almaty: Almanac, 2021 – 134 p.

The object of study of the discipline “Financial Management” is the activity of managing finances, investment resources, securities portfolio and objective assessment of business success. The subject of this course is the basic concepts and methods of financial management of an enterprise in modern economic conditions.

The purpose of this course is to train specialists who possess sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities to perform and conduct professional activities in the field of financial management, in accordance with the state educational standard and the requirements of employers. To reveal the essential foundations of the interaction of the theory and practice of financial management, the need for financial management, the content of its traditional and special functions, the role and significance of this management in modern conditions.