Қазақстан жануарларының энтомоздары

Akhmetova G.D.
Қазақстан жануарларының энтомоздары: Textbook / G.D. Akhmetova, M.A. Berdykulov — Almaty: Almanac, 2021.-272 p.

The textbook describes the pathogens of the most harmful entomoses: dams, flies, bloodsuckers, Dormice, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, mealybugs, silent mosquitoes, lice, etc., shows their distribution zones, modern means and methods of control, safety and environmental protection measures when working with insecticides, economic damage from entomoses, and Also, the effectiveness of the measures taken was revealed.

For a wide range of students, bachelors, undergraduates, PhD doctoral students in the specialties “veterinary medicine”, “veterinary sanitation”, zoologists, veterinarians, doctors, animal technicians, foresters, dog handlers and nature lovers, as well as citizens with livestock in private farms.

Keywords: entomoses, animals, dams, flies, bloodsuckers, dormice, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, gerbils, silent mosquitoes, lice, distribution area, means of control, safety measures, protection, environment, insecticides.