Isakova S.S.
Студенттердің педагогикалық тәжірибесі: textbook / S.S. Isakova – Almaty, Almanac, 2022 – 151 p.
The textbook contains the purpose and objectives of pedagogical practice, a plan for organizing and conducting students’ pedagogical practice, a sample of an individual student’s plan for teaching practice at school, the tasks of a student intern, a group methodologist, school administration, lesson requirements, tasks for monitoring and analyzing a lesson, a sample lesson card, a sample lesson plan, lesson analysis and the teacher’s tasks are to improve practical activities, the criteria for evaluating the student-intern’s classes, an indication of the justification for the credit lesson, the form of the student-intern’s report is given, the form of the student-intern’s report, the main directions and content of educational work, the educational hour and the ways of its organization, the main tasks of the class teacher, a sample of the student’s report on the results of practice, the rating system for evaluating the student-intern. The textbook is addressed to students of two specialties: Kazakh language, literature and foreigners, as well as students, teachers of pedagogical universities, young teachers.