Chistov V.V. Этнопсихология. A study guide. – Almaty: Lantar books LLP, 2022. – 178 p.
The most important task of this course is to form students‘ basic knowledge about the ethnopsychological characteristics of representatives of various ethnic groups, their mutual influence in a multiethnic society, the analysis of the system of relationships in interethnic communication based on tolerance and mutual respect, the study of the ethnic identity of distinctive national cultures. The course also examines the views of prominent thinkers and scientists who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of this science.
Studying the course will allow you to trace the stages of the development of ethnopsychological thought and master the elementary skills of ethnopsychological research in terms of interpreting psychological views, theories and concepts, determine their significance for the development of science as a whole and identify their connection with modernity, analyze the ethnocultural specifics of individual and group behavior of people in society.
The textbook will be useful to anyone who is interested in the history and originality of the characters of peoples, the peculiarities of behavior and relationships with others, customs, traditions and other important attributes of their identity.