Тұлғаның психологиялық-педагогикалық диагностикасы: a textbook. Nurgalieva U. S., Akhmetova A. I., Garber A. I., Baibakova M. M.–Almaty: LANTAN books LLP, 2023. – 331 p.
The textbook covers the goals, objectives, methods and techniques of conducting and interpreting psychological and pedagogical personality diagnostics; reveals the main categories and concepts in accordance with the actual requests and needs of all participants in the diagnostic process, relevant areas of psychological and pedagogical personality diagnostics, materials for determining the degree of mastering theoretical knowledge by students, the implementation of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in the field of education It includes materials for consolidating practical software skills.
The textbook is intended for students and undergraduates, teachers and school teachers enrolled in educational programs 6B011 – 7m011 – “Pedagogy and psychology“ within the framework of the discipline “psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality“.