Батыс философиясының жаңа тарихы. 3-том. Қазіргі заман философиясының бастауы

Батыс философиясының жаңа тарихы. 3-том. Қазіргі заман философиясының бастауы

Author: Kenny Anthony
ISBN-10: 0198752725
ISBN-13: 978-0198752721
Language: English
Publishing house: Oxford University Press
Year: 2014
Number of pages: 352

The third volume of the four–volume history of philosophy from its origins to the present day is called “The Rise of Modern Philosophy” – “The Beginning of Modern Philosophy”. This volume covers the period of the history of world thought from the beginning of the XVI century to the first years of the XIX century. The first three chapters of this volume tell in chronological order about the thinkers of that period. The remaining chapters discuss their contributions to the discussion of topical and specific philosophical topics.
This work is primarily intended for second and third year students. In addition, this book is very useful for anyone who wants to learn about philosophy.