Батыс философиясының жаңа тарихы. 4-том. Қазіргі заман философиясы

Батыс философиясының жаңа тарихы. 4-том. Қазіргі заман философиясы

Author: Kenny Anthony
ISBN-10: 0199546371
ISBN-13: 978-0199546374
Language: English
Publishing house: Oxford University Press
Year: 2008
Number of pages: 364

This is the fourth volume of the four-volume history of philosophy from the beginning to the present day. The first volume, entitled “Ancient Philosophy”, describes the ancient philosophy of classical Greece and Rome.
The second volume, Philosophy of the Middle Ages, describes the history from St. Augustine to the humanistic Renaissance. The third volume, The Beginning of Modern Philosophy, is dedicated to the main philosophers of the XVI, XVII, XVIII centuries and the XIX century, which ends with the death of Hegel. The fourth volume includes the philosophy of the period up to the last years of the twentieth century. The textbook “History of Modern Times” is intended mainly for undergraduate courses. It is also suitable for readers interested in the teachings of philosophy.