Педагогиканы цифрлық дәуірде қайта зерделеу. ХХІ ғасырдағы оқыту дизайны

Педагогиканы цифрлық дәуірде қайта зерделеу. ХХІ ғасырдағы оқыту дизайны

Authors: Helen Beetham, Rona Sharp
ISBN-10: 0415539978
ISBN-13: 978-0415539975
Language: English
Publishing house: Oxford University Press
Year: 2013
Number of pages: 352

This textbook presents projects aimed at the development of pedagogy of the XXI century, the personalization of learning, its affordable and effective planning and implementation. Studying educational activities in the context of electronic and mobile technologies, the authors describe in detail the technology-oriented prospects of education.
The first section of the book entitled “Principles and Practice of Design” examines in detail the principles and theories of digital technologies related to education and its planning, and ways to use them effectively. The second section examines the subject aspects of design and is supplemented with information on achievements in the field of mobile and wireless computing, practical design possibilities, as well as new discoveries in the design of complex systems and mobile learning. In the final section III, the authors consider the areas of application of these technologies in the future and confirm them with concrete examples.