Стратегиялық менеджмент негіздері: Бәсекелік артықшылыққа ұмтылу

Стратегиялық менеджмент негіздері: Бәсекелік артықшылыққа ұмтылу

Authors: Gamble John, Peteref Margaret, Thompson Arthur
ISBN-10: 1259546985
ISBN-13: 978-1259546983
Language: English
Publishing house: McGraw-Hill Education
Year of publication: 2017
Number of pages: 496

The textbook “Fundamentals of Strategic Management: in search of a competitive advantage” presents the development of an important and meaningful methodology of principles and methods of strategic management analysis from the point of view of conceptuality. A comprehensive analysis and research of the most advanced forms, the best methods of teaching students all the subtleties of modern strategic management is carried out. There is no simple text in the book, each course is significant by discussing the problem with relevant examples. Important and interesting examples from the activities of world-famous companies are given.
Various exercises develop students’ theoretical knowledge, the experience of simulation games increases students’ enthusiasm for the course. The book does not consider theory and practice separately, they complement each other and enrich the content of the textbook.
The 5th edition offers a new methodology for teachers, suitable for use in the academic industry, management practice. In general, this is a very valuable and necessary material for the reader interested in general management. It is also recommended as one of the main textbooks of the MBA course in the Kazakh language.