Халықаралық бизнес құқығы және заңнамалық орта: транзакциялық тұрғыдан зерделеу

Халықаралық бизнес құқығы және заңнамалық орта: транзакциялық тұрғыдан зерделеу

Author: By DiMatteo Larry
ISBN-10: 1138850985
ISBN-13: 978-1138850989
Language: English
Publishing house: Routledge
Year: 2017
Number of pages: 654

The third edition of Dr. Larry Alan DiMatteo’s textbook for students of the Faculty of Business “International Business Law and the Legislative Environment: Transactional Approaches” examines various ways of doing business at the international level. Import and export, settlement of trade disputes, complex issues related to business transactions, and legal principles of doing business at the international level are systematically outlined. In addition, this work provides a lot of data on various risks of doing business at the international level (currency, legal, financial, etc.), strategies (using intermediaries, the ability to work with international banks, foreign direct investment, counter-trade and the conclusion of international sales contracts, etc.), which are characterized by from a professional and scientific point of view.
This book is useful not only for future entrepreneurs and lawyers, but also for readers interested in international trade issues. The textbook allows students of the Faculty of Business to understand the legal principles governing doing business internationally. This book not only highlights the rule of law, but also how to apply the law to gain profit and competitive advantage.