Қазақ тілі және ұлттық  құндылықтар. Негізгі деңгей

Utemisova G. Zh., Dzhubanova G. D., Shokalakova A. B. Қазақ тілі және ұлттық  құндылықтар. Негізгі деңгей.Textbook / G. J. Utemisova, G. D. Dzhubanova, A. B. Shokalakova-Almaty, SSK, 2019-132 p.

This textbook is intended for the study and teaching of the Kazakh language. The textbook for the basic level of the Kazakh language forms and teaches everything from the Kazakh alphabet, includes the most active words necessary for speech skills to communication skills. Mastering the Kazakh language through teaching national traditions is the main feature of the textbook. The proposed work is book 1 of a comprehensive textbook consisting of 4 books teaching the Kazakh language and national values. The content of the work reflects rituals (book 2,3,4), which include periods after a person’s death, starting with rituals associated with birth. The textbook is addressed to the general public who want to study the Kazakh language at a basic level.