Полиэтнический принцип духовно-нравственного воспитания учащихся многонационального  коллектива

Kim V.A., Kim E.V.  Полиэтнический принцип духовно-нравственного воспитания учащихся многонационального  коллектива (theoretical and methodological aspects)/ V.A.Kim, E.V. Kim.- Almaty:TechSmith, 2019. 320 p.

The direction of methodology and theory of scientific knowledge and social practice of spiritual and moral education is inextricably linked with the multiethnic life of a multinational society.The principles of a multiethnic approach in spiritual and moral education have not yet found wide application in modern psychological and pedagogical literature.The proposed methodological principle considers the problem of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.