Текстиль өндірісінің технологиясы. Book 2

Togataev T. U., Botabaev N. E. Текстиль өндірісінің технологиясы: textbook.Book 2 / T. U. Togataev, N. E. Botabaev.- Almaty: TechSmith, 2018. – 308 p.

Textbook properties of cotton, wool, linen, silk, chemical fibers used in textile production, steaming, cleaning, mixing, combing cotton. The study of the main technological processes for the production of fabrics, knitwear and baimats from yarn and the processes of processing – finishing, dyeing consists of theoretical approaches. The results of the design, operation, selection of technological parameters, calculations of modern machines in the production of yarns, yarns, fabrics, knitted and beimate materials are also well performed.