Көмірсутекті шикізатты өңдеу технологиясы пәнінен лабораториялық практикум

Yerkebayeva G. Sh., Kaldygozov E. K., Tanashev S. T. KКөмірсутекті шикізатты өңдеу технологиясы пәнінен лабораториялық практикум: textbook (2nd ed.).- Almaty, 2019. – 148 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the program of the discipline “technology of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials” and contains all the necessary information for performing laboratory work.
The teaching staff contains general rules for the execution, registration of laboratory work, conditions and methods for monitoring laboratory work, and a list of references.
The textbook is intended for students of the specialty 5B072100 – “Chemical technology of organic substances”. In addition, it can be useful for employees of the oil and gas processing, petrochemical industry, students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of colleges, institutes, universities and academies specializing in this field.