
Spabekova R. S. Биофизика. Textbook (2nd ed.)..- Karaganda, 2019. – 188 p.

The proposed textbook “Biophysics” is intended for students of the following specialties 050701, 050801, 050802, 050806, 050808.
Currently, the discipline of biophysics, along with other disciplines (molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, etc.), is the basis of the fundamental course of life sciences. Biophysics is becoming increasingly in demand for non-biophysicists, including physicians, pharmacists, agricultural specialists, veterinarians, etc.
Forecasting the development of natural sciences in the next century shows that the life sciences have a great future. Biological physics occupies an important place among them. Biophysics, being a field of biological sciences, the main object of study of which is a living organism, teaches and teaches the universal nature of the basic physical laws and vital activity. Biophysics also makes a great contribution to the development of space biology and medicine.
The textbook examines the physical properties of a living organism, the electrical properties of cells and skin, the thermodynamics of life processes, the physical fields of a person and the surrounding world.