Қазақ тілінің кірме сөздер сөздігі

Sh. Kurmanbayevich, S. Isakova, B. Mizamkhan, G. Alimbek, G. Mamyrbekova, D. Boranbayev. Қазақ тілінің кірме сөздер сөздігі.Of the “National Translation Agency”. 2019-596 p .

This dictionary contains about 9 thousand words entered into the Kazakh language from foreign languages. The dictionary took words and common terms in the national language, explained their meanings and indicated their origin. The proposed dictionary is the first voluminous work, the most widely covering introductory words that entered the Kazakh language at each stage from Latin, Greek, English, French, Arabic, Persian, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Mongolian, Portuguese and other languages.