Қазіргі заманғы дінтану негіздері

G. K. Maimakov. Қазіргі заманғы дінтану негіздері: textbook.(4th ed.). Karaganda. 2019.-234 p.

The textbook is devoted to the analysis of the religious situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present time, the formation and development of religions and religious associations, reflection and prevention of the danger of extremism and terrorism, improving the legal regulation of religious relations, studying the methods and techniques of Christian and Islamic negative movements and their missionaries in attracting citizens to their ranks. The work reflects the role of congresses of world and traditional religions in strengthening tolerance and peace not only in Kazakhstan, the connection of customs, customs of the Kazakh people with the Islamic religion, issues of registration and re-registration of religious associations.
The textbook is based on the author’s program and is intended for university students.