Педагогтың шешендік өнерінің негіздері

G. K. Belgibaeva, O. A. Mikhalkova. Педагогтың шешендік өнерінің негіздері: a textbook for educational specialists, students and university teachers (2nd ed.).- Karaganda, 2019. 152 p.

The manual presents the main theoretical materials that allow you to develop the oratorical skills of a teacher, a set of tasks for the formation of the components of public speaking. The presented materials, tasks and exercises can be used for conducting courses “fundamentals of public speaking of a teacher”, “pedagogical skills”, “introduction to pedagogy” and other disciplines of the working curriculum of the specialty 5b010300 Pedagogy and psychology, as well as for independent and independent work of teachers starting their career.
The manual is intended for educational specialists, students of pedagogical specialties, undergraduates and doctoral students, heads of educational institutions and methodologists.