Сүгір күйлерінің ізбасарлары орындауындағы ерекшеліктері

Alsaitova R.K. Сүгір күйлерінің ізбасарлары орындауындағы ерекшеліктері. Monograph – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 236 p.

The monograph describes the place of the talented kuishi Sugir Alievich (1875-1961), who lived in the late XIX – mid XX centuries, in the Kazakh musical art, which forever became an immortal treasure performed by his followers. The followers who perform super cuis have shown that cuis are a spiritual value, a legacy in art history, and scientific research remains an unexplored problem in the musical art. The works of such a composer as Sugir, who sang in our hands thousands of kuya’s excitements, have not remained indelible in the consciousness of our nation.
As we understand it, one of the ways to know the nature of the Kui coat is to identify regional schools, the work of the followers of the composer, who entered the Karatau school founded by Sugur, is defined in this work.