Дала фольклорының антологиясы. Батырлар жыры. 1- Volume

Дала фольклорының антологиясы: : Ten volumes / K.B. Alpysbaeva, Zh.Zh. Shalgynbai, A. Oralbek, K.S. Akhmetzhanov. – Almaty: Brand Book, 2019. Vol.1: Батырлар жыры.. – 2019. 560 p.

The first volume of the anthology of steppe folklore is dedicated to the poem of heroes. Its first part, entitled “ancient epic”, includes “Kulamergen”, “Dotan batyr”, and the second part, entitled “Batyr zhyry”, includes “Alpamys batyr”, “Kobylandy batyr”, “Kambar batyr”, “Er Targyn”, “Sayynnyn”, “Er Yedige”, “Shora Batyr” selected samples of the classic epic are grouped together.
The audio recording and the electronic version of the book are known using a QR code
you can download from portals and websites.
The anthology is addressed to schoolchildren, students of special and higher educational institutions, and fans of folklore heritage.