Дала фольклорының антологиясы. Ғашықтық жырлар. 4-Volume

Дала фольклорының антологиясы: Ten volumes / T.T. Akimova, J.T. Saltakova.— Almaty: Brand Book, 2019. Vol. 4: Ғашықтық жырлар.- 2019. 498 p.

The fourth volume of the anthology of steppe folklore is devoted to love songs. The volume contains selected samples of songs: “Kozy Korpesh – Bayan Sulu”,”Kyz Zhibek”, “Bozzhigit”, “Bezaman”, “SeipilMalik”, “Talayly Kul and Aim Kyz”, “Sherizat-Kulshat”, “Jaskelen”.
The audio recording and the electronic version of the book can be downloaded from popular portals and websites using the QR code displayed.
The anthology is intended for schoolchildren, students of special and higher educational institutions, teachers, and a wide range of readers interested in folk literature.