Балалар мен жасөспірімдер гигиенасына әлеуметтік және экологиялық факторлардың әсері

S.A. Ermanova. Балалар мен жасөспірімдер гигиенасына әлеуметтік және экологиялық факторлардың әсері: A textbook.Karaganda: 2016. – 180 p.

The textbook examines the influence of social and environmental factors on the hygiene of children and adolescents, hygienic requirements for the daily routine of adolescents, nutrition, conditions at school by preschool institutions, their clothes, school furniture, physical education, as well as currently conducted research, complex issues characterizing the health of students, sanitary norms and rules.
This textbook is designed to enhance and enhance students’ knowledge and is written in accordance with the generally binding standard of education.
This manual is intended for students of medical universities of the faculties of general medicine, public health, preventive medicine, faculties of physical culture and sports, as well as medical college.