Информационное обеспечение системы поддержки принятия решений на предприятии

Kadyrbekov T.K., Kadyrbekov A. G. Информационное обеспечение системы поддержки принятия решений на предприятии: A textbook. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 176 p.

The purpose of the course is to form students’ theoretical knowledge on the application of modern information technologies in economics, management and business, automation of business processes. In the process of studying, students get acquainted with the main trends of informatization in the field of economics and management, get acquainted with information technologies in various fields of production, management and commercial activities. The purpose of the manual is to instill skills of independent orientation in the diverse market of computer programs and systems, broaden their horizons in the field of tools and methods of automation of business processes.

The main objective of studying the discipline is for students to acquire solid knowledge and practical skills in the field defined by the main purpose of the course.

As a result of studying the course, students should be able to navigate freely in all the variety of information technologies, know the basic methods and modes of processing economic information, as well as have practical skills in using instrumental and applied information technologies in various sectors of the economy, management and business.

The main areas of professional use of the acquired knowledge are economics and management, both within an individual enterprise and within a corporation, holding company, and government systems.