Akshalova R.D., Kostyanaya Y.S., Kulikpaeva M. Zh., Kurbanova M.N., Murzagaliev E.Ch., Sarsenova S.N., Tlepina Sh.V. Хрестоматия по Международному публичному праву. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019 – 352 p.
The Anthology includes the main international legal documents, the UN Charter, documents and materials on the history of international law, conventions, declarations, resolutions, etc.
The textbook is proposed to be used in preparation for seminars, practical, independent studies, as well as in solving situational problems and cases.
The textbook is intended for students and students majoring in international law from law faculties of universities, universities, including departmental ones, and anyone interested in public international law.