Тілдік бейнелер аясындағы қазақ халқының тағамдық дәстүрі

Yurina E.A. TТілдік бейнелер аясындағы қазақ халқының тағамдық дәстүрі. / Dictionary of linguoculturology / E.A. Yurina, O.A. Zhumagulova, A.D. Zhakypova, I.S. Kairbekova, A.O. Mukasheva.Zh.O. Sagyndykova, G.T. Tleuberdina.- Almaty, CyberSmith, 2019. -224 p.

The dictionary contains figurative means of the Kazakh language, which are formed on the basis of the similarity of the Kazakh people with national cuisine and food products and denote various phenomena of existence. The dictionary includes native language and author’s metaphors, stable expressions, stable comparators based on food images. The explanation of linguistic units is given by illustrations in various contexts, cultural comments in the linguistic picture of the world, characteristic of the Kazakh people, typical figurative scenes.
The dictionary is intended for specialists in the field of the Kazakh language, literature and culture, as well as for the general public interested in the art of the word.