Жасыл технологиялар

Alinov M. Sh. Жасыл технологиялар / Зеленые технологии: a manual / Alinov M. Sh. – Almaty: “Bastau”, 2020. – 192 p.

The innovative training manual discusses the processes associated with changing the technological structure of modern production, the introduction of cheap, environmentally friendly, energy-saving, “green” technologies. “Green technologies” are described in industries and industries such as production, energy efficiency, housing and communal services, urban environment and transport, environmental protection, nature management, natural resource management, climate change, etc. Foreign and Kazakh experience has been used.

Designed for students, undergraduates and teachers in engineering, science and technology, economics, ecology and nature management. It is recommended for use by specialists of military companies, as well as state bodies of economic management.