Органикалық химия

Kabdulkarimova K. Органикалық химия: a textbook / K. Kabdulkarimova, J. Kasymova.- Almaty: SSK, 2020, 240 p.

The textbook on organic chemistry is intended for university students majoring in chemistry. The textbook can also be used by students of the specialty Chemical technology, medicine, food industry. The textbook pays great attention to hydrocarbon compounds, their structure, reactivity and properties, properties and method of obtaining carboxylic acids, esters, fats, carbohydrates of aliphatic (fatty) compounds.

The textbook consists of seventeen chapters, written on credit technology. The tasks for the student’s independent work (SRO), test questions for the final assessment of the student’s knowledge, including all lecture topics, and tasks for the student’s training (SRO) with the participation of a teacher, a list of references are given.