Микробиология, вирусология пәнінен дәрістер жинағы

Bakhitova R.A. Микробиология, вирусология пәнінен дәрістер жинағы. A study guide. Almaty: SSK, 2020. -156 p.

A collection of lectures on the discipline “Microbiology, virology” has been prepared for the sections “Medicine”, ”Obstetrics”, “Nursing” in accordance with the standard curriculum. The collection of lectures provides information about the development of microorganisms, properties, the infectious process, and immunity. In addition, a separate section of microbiology highlights morphological, plant, enzymatic properties, resistance, antigenic structure, toxin formation, pathogenesis, and prevention of pathogenic microorganisms. In a separate section of virology, information on the systematics, structure, specifics of virus cultivation, and microbiological diagnostics is considered. The collection of lectures is intended for students of Kazakh groups. The translation work was done competently, at a high level.