Микробиология, вирусология микробиологиялық зерттеу техникасы

Bakhitova R.A., Abilova G.T. Микробиология, вирусология микробиологиялық зерттеу техникасы: collection/ R.A. Bakhitova, G.T. Abilova – Almaty: 2020 – 80 p.

The collection of professional standards on the discipline “Microbiology, virology, microbiological research equipment” has been prepared for students of specialty 0305000 “Laboratory diagnostics” qualification 0305013 “medical laboratory assistant”. Professional standards are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard UP to 2010 and curricula for the discipline. The collection of standards contains the necessary skills and actions for the practical work of medical laboratory technicians.

The set is intended for medical professionals and students who have chosen a medical specialty.