Геологическая съемка и разведка месторождений полезных ископаемых

Kryazheva T.V. Геологическая съемка и разведка месторождений полезных ископаемых. Textbook for mining colleges. Ed. 1., Kryazheva T.V., Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. – 256 p.

It is a textbook on modern methods of conducting geological surveys of various scales and exploration of deposits of solid minerals. In a concise form, taking into account the latest achievements of science and technology, the methods and equipment used for geological types of work are described.

The first chapter provides a brief description of the objects of the study of geology.

The second chapter is devoted to the characteristics of the geological survey. It formulates concepts about the types of geological surveys, the goals and objectives of geological survey and prospecting on a medium and large scale, and describes the types of geological surveys. The description of the complex of geological survey works and their methodology is described in three important stages, each of which is assigned a section.

Hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geophysical works accompanying geological survey work are given in a concise form.

The main types and principles of exploration are described in the third chapter of the textbook.

For students of geological and mining specialties.