Тақталы кенорыңдарын қазу жүйелері

Arystan I.D., Isabek T.K. Тақталы кенорыңдарын қазу жүйелері: textbook / I.D. Arystan, T.K. Isabek.- Almaty: Epigraph, 2019.-164 p.

Currently, special attention is paid to the training of specialists for the mining industry in the Kazakh language. In this regard, in accordance with modern requirements, it is very important to compile textbooks on this field and meet the needs of students and specialists.

The proposed textbook was published in 2010 in the first edition under the authorship of I. D. Arystan, T. K. Isabekov under the title “systems for the development of reservoir deposits”. Due to the high demand for textbooks in the Kazakh language for students studying in the specialty “Mining”, there is a need to reprint this textbook. This textbook is made in accordance with general education standards and the requirements of higher professional education. It is part of a large course in the discipline “technology of underground mining”. The tool provides systems for the development of reservoir deposits, as well as concepts and concepts, and provides a detailed explanation of their meaning.

The textbook is addressed to specialists in underground mining research and students, undergraduates, doctoral students of higher educational institutions in this field.