Бағдарламамен қамтамасыздандыруды жобалау және құрастыру технологиясы

Bayaly A.T. Бағдарламамен қамтамасыздандыруды жобалау және құрастыру технологиясы: An educational and methodological guide.- Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. – 228 p.

Abstract modeling performed using a computer, that is, verbal, informational, mathematical models, is currently one of the information technologies, and in cognitive terms it is especially strong. The code is built on the basis of information obtained from diagrams of parameters and specifications specified in the code generation properties for elements of each type.

The analysis of modeling problems, the exchange of information between all stakeholders (users, domain specialists, analysts, designers, etc.), the development of software applications and databases, and is a useful tool for the preparation of documentation. Promotes better acceptance of modeling requirements, improves the quality of system design and increases the level of its management. UML is a language used to denote and visualize the documentation of values that are compiled by object-oriented systems.