Объектке бағытталған тілі

Iskakov M.B. Объектке бағытталған тілі: Textbook / M.B. Iskakov, G.B. Abildaeva, Yu.K. Shakirova; Karaganda State Technical University. – Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. -76 p.

The textbook consists of an introduction, conclusion and two parts. The introduction contains brief information about the features of the Java language, NetBeans and Eclipse programming centers.

The first section “fundamentals of the Java language” discusses the lexical structure of the program, the type of data and variables, and operators for controlling the sequence of actions performed by the program.

The second section, “object-oriented programming in Java,” describes objects and classes, relationships and relationships between them, features of working with objects and classes, and the main packages of the Java language.

The textbook “object-oriented programming “I”.For bachelors of the specialties “information systems” and “computer engineering and software” when studying the disciplines “Java programming language”.