Мұнайды өңдеу технологиясы

Kapustin V.M., Rudin M.G., Kudinov A.M., Pusurmanova G.Zh.,Tanashev S.T. Мұнайды өңдеу технологиясы: 4-parts. Part four. Volume I. The general factory economy. (Textbooks and teaching aids for students of higher educational institutions). Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. -216 p.

The basic information on technological schemes of production is given. The issues of designing oil refineries and the oil industry, acceptance of petroleum raw materials, preparation, storage and shipment of petroleum products are considered. The characteristics of thermal capacities and electrical facilities of oil refineries are given. Much attention was paid to modern refinery services, such as water supply and sewerage, reagent, flare and storage facilities, gas rescue, medical, and fire services. It is intended for bachelors and masters of universities preparing special specialties for the oil refining industry, as well as technical staff of scientific and design institutes of engineering refineries and the oil industry.