Қытай тарихы: жаңа және казіргі заман

Kayyrken T.Z. Қытай тарихы: жаңа және казіргі заман. A study guide. / Kayyrken T.Z. – Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. -328 p.

The textbook covers the New and modern history of China from 1644 to the present. That is, the expansion of the Manchurian cornerstone, on this basis, the transformation of China into its component part, the “closed door policy” in the country, the opium war, as a result of which China became a double colony of Manchus and foreigners, the Qinghai revolution and major events that occurred as a result of this, the struggle of political parties in the country, the civil war caused by it, The creation of the People’s Republic of China and it will be about the political decisions of the country’s leadership, reforms, the development of the country with an open door policy and modern challenges. In writing the first sections of the textbook, the works of famous historians such as Jiang Bozang, Liu Simian, as well as the works of modern researchers on the history of the Kazakh language in China Su Beihai and others were used. The latest data and information were taken as a basis for writing the section “modernity”.

The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions, the general public interested in the history of China.