Бастауыш сынып математикасынан сыныптан тыс жұмыстар: теориясы мен әдістемесі

Kenzhebekova R.I.  Бастауыш сынып математикасынан сыныптан тыс жұмыстар: теориясы мен әдістемесі: theory of my system. Textbook – Almaty: SSK, 2020. – 124 p.

Textbook extracurricular work in primary school mathematics: theory and methodology 5b010200 – systematic training of students of the specialty Pedagogy and methods of primary education of extracurricular activities in mathematics in primary school, familiarization with its main problems, specific topics of extracurricular educational work, methods and techniques of its passage are considered. They are proved by concrete examples.

The textbook can be used by students, undergraduates and teachers of the specialty 5B010200 – “pedagogy and methods of primary education”, primary school teachers, parents and a wide readership.