Хормен жұмыс жургізу әдістемесінің негіздері

Taubaldieva Zh., Akkhozhin S.A. Хормен жұмыс жургізу әдістемесінің негіздері. A study guide. SSK, 2020. – 120 p.

The textbook, written on the topic fundamentals of the methodology of working with the choir, is presented on the basis of the latest innovations in science, the methods and techniques of the basics of the methodology of working with the main choir are highlighted in detail. Textbook (textbook for students 5b010600 – “music education”).

At the same time, the creation of conditions for ensuring personal skills, creativity, professional scientific competence of students, through choral singing, ensures educational and practical unity in the training of future music teachers. This textbook will undoubtedly help students of the musical specialty, scientific supervisors, teachers of methodologists during the period of pedagogical educational work.