Минералды шикізаттарды өндіру және қайта өңдеу кездеріндегі радиоэкологиялық мәселелер

Zhunisbekov S., Zhashen S.Zh., Zhunisbekov B.S. Минералды шикізаттарды өндіру және қайта өңдеу кездеріндегі радиоэкологиялық мәселелер: Almaty: SSK, 2020.124 – S.

The main goal of the team of authors in this work is to draw the attention of the peoples of the republic to the following important issues:

We all know that thanks to the continuous search of mankind, many new substances have been discovered, as well as new artificial radionuclides. These achievements pose the task of an in-depth study of the nature of radiation hazard, daily measurement and analysis of its level in the environment. The main thing is to competently analyze radioactivity and extract cheap atomic energy from radioactive materials, which is environmentally and economically beneficial for humanity.

Therefore, when opening new production facilities using new technologies, this double factor should become decisive indicators determining the fate of these industries.

In general, the population has the right to full information about the impact of production on the environment, as well as the benefits they bring.