Студент жастардың саяси мәдениеті

Salikzhanov R.S. Студент жастардың саяси мәдениеті: textbook. – Almaty, Epigraph, 2019. -92 p.

The textbook is based on the author’s experience in studying the political culture of students. The theoretical and methodological foundations of studying the political culture of students are analyzed, the political culture of youth is considered as an important part of the socio-political space of society. The author has collected a lot of empirical materials that help to manage socio-cultural trends among young people.

The content of the textbook takes into account the peculiarities of studying under the credit system of education, the sections of the book are intended for teaching during the semester.

The textbook is intended for students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the specialties “sociology”, “political science”, “State and local government” when studying the disciplines “political sociology”, “political culture”.

In addition, everyone who is interested in questions of sociological knowledge gets everything they need from the textbook.