Дизайн костюма

Kim I.S., Dzhanpashova V.M., Bashirova S.A., Koilanova A.A. Дизайн костюма. Textbook – Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. – 328 p.

The textbook is intended for the study of the discipline “Costume Design” and is part of the educational and methodological complex in the specialty “Technology and design of light industry products”. The concepts of style and fashion, the history of modeling and the principles of artistic design of clothing, the theoretical foundations of costume modeling, elements, means and patterns of artistic and graphic composition, stages of the creative process, methods of artistic design of a costume as an object of design, the use of creative sources in modeling, as well as modern trends and trends of fashion are highlighted.
The textbook is intended for students of the specialty 5B072600-“Technology and design of light industry products”.