Неорганическая, физическая и коллоидная химия

Verentsova L.G. IНеорганическая, физическая и коллоидная химия: Verification tests / L.G. Verentsova, E.V. Nechepurenko – Almaty: “Evero”, 2009. – 217 p.

The training manual is compiled in accordance with the current State educational standards and standard chemistry course programs for students of medical specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The test tasks have a pronounced medical and biological orientation and reflect the basic concepts and laws of inorganic, physical and colloidal chemistry, as well as the physico-chemical essence of phenomena occurring in a living organism in normal and pathological conditions.

The manual is intended to evaluate the results of independent work and control the knowledge of students of medical universities studying in the specialties 051301 – “General Medicine”, 051302 – “Dentistry”, 051102 – “Public health”.