Современный энциклопедический словарь

Современный энциклопедический словарь. Education. Science.
Innovations / Editors: B.S. Karimova (ed.), E.K. Kasymbekov (ed.), G.M. Kusainov (ed.), G.M.Mutanov (main ed.), D.Zh.Nuketaeva (ed.), T.Z.Rysbekov, T.S. Sadykov, M.N. Sarybekov (scientific ed.): In 4 volumes – Almaty: Publishing house “EVERO”, 2016. – vol. 2. – 414 p.

This edition contains about 5,000 dictionary entries devoted to issues of preschool, general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education, science, science and innovation. Along with well-established definitions, new concepts and definitions are being introduced into scientific circulation.

It is recommended to employees of education and science, students of schools and students of colleges and universities, a wide range of readers.