Балалар ассортиментіндегі тігін бұйымдарының технологиясы және конструкциялануы

Temirshikov K.M. Балалар ассортиментіндегі тігін бұйымдарының технологиясы және конструкциялануы / Temirshikov K.M. – Almaty: Teschsmith, 2020 – 100 p.

Methodical instruction on the curriculum “Technologies for the purchase of children’s clothing assortment and design plans” note 5B072600 – “Technologies for the purchase of light industry goods “Song assembly” Designs in accordance with the requirements of the profession.

The methodological instruction consists in studying the technological process of making clothes in production on the basis of general theoretical and engineering, as well as other special subjects. Using the product assembly method, basic information about the process of improving the technology of developing and designing children’s clothing, creating technical documentation for product development, and practical materials are presented. 2 hours are allocated for each practical work.