Кәсіптік бағдар: практикалық нұскаулық

Kusainov G. M., Tanirbergenova A. Sh., Ishengeldieva M. G. Кәсіптік бағдар: практикалық нұскаулық: methodological manual / Kusainov G. M., Tanirbergenova A. Sh., Ishengeldieva M. G.-Almaty: Teshsmith, 2020. – 108 P.

The methodological manual discusses the essence, content and specifics of Career Guidance work, the development of skills of the XXI century in accordance with the specialties in demand in the future, the formation of skills for diagnosing students ‘ abilities and professional orientation, planning joint work with parents on the implementation and formation of a model of personal development of students in choosing a profession.

The tool is aimed at students, teachers, psychologists, coaches and trainers of educational organizations and the parent community.