Жазуға үйрету технологиясы

Жазуға үйрету технологиясы: A textbook / comp.:A.M. Mamaeva, U.T. Urazbakova, A.P.Dzhakhaeva. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 176 p.

This textbook is intended for students of the specialty 5B010200 – “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” and other pedagogical specialties in accordance with the subject program “Technology of teaching writing” and the requirements of the curriculum.

The content of the textbook guides the student’s independent learning. Therefore, in the learning process, the student should make the most of the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of writing teaching technology, as well as learn how to use the mandatory and additional literature provided in order to deepen the meaning and content of the questions. It is taken into account in the plan of each theoretical and practical lesson.

The purpose of the proposed educational tool is to open the way of learning the world through the native language.